We’ve Been Doing It Wrong: Fresh Approaches to High-Potential Programs

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colorful artist palette with a brush beside two images of framed portraits of people who are blacked out to show this ATD 2024 presentation will give learners fresh approaches to successfully update their hi-po programs?fm=webp&q=75

Update Your Hi-Po Strategy

There’s a small set of crucial leaders in your organization right now who could change the future of your organization. The problem? You may not know who they are, what they are capable of, or how to make sure they are ready for bigger challenges. Join this session to update your high-potential development and succession strategy.

Matt Paese will show you how to:

  • Create a high-level succession strategy to identify and support high-potential leaders.
  • Accelerate the development of high-potential leaders to prepare them for first-time manager and advanced leadership roles.
  • Improve diversity and equity throughout your leadership pipeline.

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Matt Paese, Ph.D., SVP Leadership Insights, DDI

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Matt Paese is a globally recognized author, CEO coach, C-suite consultant, keynote speaker, and pioneer of many of today’s leading approaches for helping leaders succeed. 

He is the lead author of Leaders Ready Now: Accelerating Growth in a Faster World and co-author of its award-winning predecessor, Grow Your Own Leaders, which have shaped over two decades of impact in growing leaders into skilled, self-aware, compassionate enterprise executives.