Join the Survey: Global Leadership Forecast 2025

Get a Customized, Complimentary Report for YOUR Company

data graphic of the DDI Global Leadership Forecast logo with slices of a multicolor pie chart in the background to show how expansive DDI's leadership research is, featuring data from leaders at organizations around the globe, from all major industry sectors?fm=webp&q=75

Global Leadership Forecast 2025 Survey

Gain valuable insights about today’s leadership trends when your company takes part in DDI’s Global Leadership Forecast 2025 survey.

We'll benchmark your company's leadership against best practices and other organizations in your industry. Take the 15-minute survey and then invite your leaders to participate.

Take the HR Survey

Looking for the survey for leaders? See FAQ #6 below.

This survey offers invaluable insights for enhancing our leadership development and expanding talent management capabilities. It also provides a valuable benchmark for external leadership scenarios, helping us gauge our global position.

Yoko Kubo, Assistant Manager, Global Leadership Development, Hitachi Academy & Participant, Global Leadership Forecast

the cover of the Global Leadership Forecast 2025 report, with a person's face outlined in circles of varying sizes and lines connecting the circles to show this report captures leader trends and leadership development best practices?fm=webp&q=75

What is the Global Leadership Forecast?

DDI's Global Leadership Forecast is one of the most expansive leadership research projects of its kind. For more than 25 years, we have examined leadership development practices and leader experiences in major industries and economies around the globe. Research areas include retention, critical skills for the future, preferred learning modalities, and many more.

The last study captured data from more than 13,500 global leaders and 1,500 organizations worldwide across 50 countries and 24 major industry sectors.

Take the HR Survey

the cover of the Global Leadership Forecast 2025 customized leadership benchmarking sample report to show HR pros who participate in our survey what types of data they will receive in their own custom report when they get at least 30 leaders from their company to join our survey as well?fm=webp&q=75

Why Participate: Your Custom Benchmarking Report

After your company participates in our leadership research, you will receive a free, custom high-value report benchmarking your organization's leadership practices against global, regional, and industry averages, as well as the best places to work.

The report also provides an understanding of your leaders' perceptions and opinions, plus a set of customized strengths and priorities for improving your leadership practices and capabilities.

View Sample Report

What You Need to Know to Participate

About DDI

DDI is a global leadership consulting firm that helps organizations hire, promote, and develop exceptional leaders. From first-time managers to C-suite executives, DDI is by leaders’ sides, supporting them in every critical moment of leadership.

Starting from our founding in 1970, we have dedicated ourselves to finding science-based solutions that truly change the lives of leaders and the people they lead.

Don't wait - take part in Global Leadership Forecast research today.