Overcome 14 Behavioral Interviewing Mistakes

Nearly two-thirds of interviewers worry about missing information about candidate weaknesses. Learn more about Targeted Selection®, STAR method and how it can help your organization ace its interviews, reduce interviewer bias, make better decisions on candidates, and hire the best people.

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The Interview: A High Stakes “First Date”

An interview is like a first date, in that both participants (the candidate and interviewer) want to make their best possible first impression.  It’s time to ace your interviews. For nearly 50 years, DDI’s Targeted Selection® behavioral interviewing system has helped companies around the world make better hires.

Examine common mistakes interviews do such as:

Failing to interview for behavior

Misinterpreting information the candidate shares

Ignoring job fit motivation

Making quick decisions about candidates

Being swayed by pressure to fill the position

Discover mistakes and helpful hints in Behavioral Interviewing