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Looking for a quick way to boost leadership skills?

Leaders love microlearning because it’s fast, on-demand, and helps them boost their skills in the flow of their work. 

With DDI's microlearning content, you can incorporate short, focused learning sessions that dive deeper into key learning areas or explore related concepts. Each microcourse only takes 15 minutes or less!

Learn more about our approach and explore:

  • What is microlearning?
  • Why curation is key to success
  • A sample microcourse

Browse through available topics and get a demo today.


New to DDI?

It's a pleasure to meet you - virtually, of course! If you don't know us, we are a global consulting firm that helps organizations hire, promote and develop exceptional leaders. 

We work with people at every level from individual contributors to C-suite executives to help them fulfill their leadership potential. Our goal? To be by your side for every critical moment of leadership, including this one. We hope you've found this short course helpful, and invite you to learn more about us.

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