The International Congress on Assessment Center Methods

Presented and managed by DDI - The world leader in assessment center technology


The International Congress on Assessment Center Methods and Developing Leadership Talent

Since 1973, attendees from all over the world have convened each year to share the latest on assessment center methodology. The International Congress conference has long been a source for the industry’s top academics and practitioners to come together to explore technological advances in the field, examine reliability and validity issues, discuss insights and trends, and share best practices.

In recent years, the scope of the Congress has been expanded to broader fields in leadership assessment and development in tune with trends and organization needs.

We are working on plans for the 43rd International Congress in China. Join the Mailing List to receive alerts and updates.

Guidelines for Ethical Considerations for Assessment Center Operations

The 2014 Guidelines and Ethical Considerations for Assessment Center Operations (6th edition) was updated and endorsed by the 38th International Congress on Assessment Center Methods on October 23, 2014 in Alexandria, Virginia, USA. This document is intended to establish professional guidelines and ethical considerations for users of the assessment center method.  The current guidelines reflect contemporary organizational, multicultural, technological, and measurement/assessment-related issues.  

It has been made permanently free of charge and open for sharing by Journal of Management, SAGE Publishing.

Download the Guidelines

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Upcoming Conferences on Assessment Centers

Assessment Centres: Turning Theory into Practice and Promising Beginnings | March 15-19, 2021

The Assessment Centre Study Group (ACSG) is again hosting their annual conference. For 2021, the conference will be a virtual format to provide you with more options to obtain your CPD points from the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA). 

The conference will offer:

  • 4 Pre-conference Workshops
  • 16 Open Space Sessions
  • 4 Plenary Sessions by George C. Thornton III, Ph.D., Sandra Hartog, Ph.D., Yogiavelli Nambiar, and Derick  de Jongh

Learn More


What Is an Assessment Center

Nothing predicts performance better than letting your candidates show you exactly what they are going to do, regardless of whether the situation involves selection or longer-term succession. An assessment center offers an objective evaluation of the participant’s capabilities, attributes, experiences, and fit. For the participant, receiving specific, in-depth feedback is vital to their development and leadership readiness.

Simulations used in an assessment center accurately reflect the very difficult and busy challenges of today's executives. Trained assessors use technology to observe and record behaviors and integrate their observations. Personality tests and other instruments may also be integrated to provide a more holistic view of the participant.

Using assessment center data, participants can help accelerate their development and achieve success in future executive positions and organizations are able to make better-informed decisions about development and readiness of talent.

Learn about the historical perspective on the development of assessment centers, Centered on Assessment - written by Douglas W. Bray, Ph.D., assessment center pioneer and co-founder of DDI and the International Congress on Assessment Center Methods.

Download the Article